In school and academic environment

Working into specific devices or upon request, we are used to working with classes of all levels from school to university. We work on occasional projects as well as on extended projects, always in coconstruction with the teachers. Practicing theater encourages group cohesion and the enjoyment of making something together. These experiences are always full of insights for everybody.


Discovering and appropriating the theatrical bases and tools that encourage a free and joyful expression ! We work with several entities (social and cultural centers; medico-social centers; academic environment…) and with different audiences (children, teenagers, adults; intergenerational groups; groups in situation of disability: people in reinsertion programs…)

The creative workshops

We intervene to create short forms with the participants for specific events, in the public area,  in theaters, elsewhere…

Laboratory workshops

We offer laboratory workshops for beginners and non-beginners on specific subjects (acting with masks; the Thetrical Chorus; stage writing; multidisciplinary practice…)


We adress to an audience that wants to go further and we offer deepenings cycles of work (about stage directing, acting, stage writing, light designing…)

Meetings and events

In link with our creations and our questions, we coorganize events about specific themes.(“Theater and Social Sciences” a day of debates and shows ; “The uses of the work by Annie Ernaux” debate and meeting for the creation of “A Woman”; “Third Places // Third Theater : for a desirable and joyful future !” meeting during the Avignon OFF Festival 2023).

Ephemeral Popular university

We organize an Ephemeral Popular University (workshops, masterclasses, meetings) for a specific event. 


Ever since the company exists, we are committed to spread the taste for theater (and more generally, for art and knowledge) to everybody. Listening to the needs of the audience and aware of the realities of the entities we work with, we are used to building custom-made projects. If you have an idea or a desire, we are here to accompany you along the way. From articulating the project to making it happen !


Session 1.

The experience F**** COUNTRY!, theatrical adaptation of the book by Younes Amrani and Stéphane Beaud (sociologist). 

“Killing the actor” (master-classe) - July 13th – 12:30 - 2pm
« The Chorus as a body » (workshop) – July 14th – 12:30 - 2pm

Session 2.

The experience A WOMAN, theatrical variation with the book by Annie Ernaux.

“Scenic Subjectiveness”  (master-classe)- July 20th – 12: 30 - 2pm
« Creative actor.actress » (workshop) – July 21st – 12:30 – 2pm

Session 3.

The experience CHILDHOOD(S) [so, this has to be a manifesto] collective stage writing

“Becoming my own ready-made” (master-classe) – July 27th – 12:30 - 2pm
« Acting is energy » (workshop) – July 28th – 12:30 - 2pm

With the associated artists of the  Company Les Papavéracées :

Karim Abdelaziz (acting and stage writing), Arthur Dumas (acting and stage writing), Agathe Fredonnet (acting and stage writing), Caroline Lerda (assistant to the stage direction, acting and stage writing), Charlotte le Bras (conception, stage directing, acting and stage writing).

La Compagnie Les Papavéracées 

The Papaveraceae Company was founded in 2015 by Charlotte Le Bras with the aim of creating a joyful, necessary, and bold theater of research and creation ! The approach is structured piece by piece, with a commitment to long-term work and a philosophy of ensemble. Through encounters with non-theatrical writings influenced by social sciences, the initial cycle of research and creation has given rise to a personal theatrical language and a unique way of being on stage, questioning the presence of voices and bodies that are often absent from the public space.


From 2017 to 2023, we have made the research and creation cycle “THE VOICE OF THE ABSENTEES”. It was a crucial theatrical act for us, that questioned why and how some bodies and some viewpoints are absent from theatrical stages. By doing that, we have conquered a brand-new stage presence and asserted that everything, in theater, can be a writing. Every session will come back on a creative experience that allowed us to reveal and specify this peculiar relationship to the stage and to theater. The Masterclasses will come back on the genesis of the concepts we developed, the workshops will be an attempt to put these concepts into practice.

“Third Places // Third Theater : for a desirable and joyful future !”


At a time when for many of us (keeping on) making theater seems to be difficult, the words “Third Places” and “Third Theater” can open the path for other imaginaries and other ways of doing things, intrinsically linked to ecology and “well living”. This meeting has been imagined as the beginning of a collective thinking overtime. This first encounter will be the opportunity to come back on the historical terms “Third Places” and “Third Theater” and the opportunity to share experiences with people who make those words live on until today.

Date : July 16th 2023
Time : 2pm to 3:30 pm
Location: Village du OFF
Free entrance

Guest speakers

Emilie Pamart – Lecturer in Information and Communication Sciences, Université d'Avignon
Ariana De Sanctis – Lecturer in Theater and Ethnoscenology, Université Côte d’Azur
Jordi Castellano - president of La Halle Tropisme, Third Place (Montpellier)
Marie Attard – production director, Playtime, collective, permanent resident of the Third Place Les Herbes Folles (Toulouse)
Damien Baillet – founder of la Ferme Agriculturelle (Avignon)
Gregorio Amicuzi – artistic director, Residui Teatro, theatrical group (Madrid, Espagne)

Moderation: Mathieu Méric, teacher and reviewer
Co-organisation : Compagnie Les Papavéracées et LaScierie

In the OFF festival, Les Papavéracées are also doing

 “Third Places // Third Theater : for a desirable and joyful future !”

Meeting coorganized with LaScierie - on July 16th, at the OFF Village, 14h-15h300

Learn +

“Conquering my own stage presence”

Three master classes proposed by Charlotte Le Bras (stage director) at LaScierie

Learn +

“ Ecological Avignon : recycling the OFF festival !”

Facing climate emergency, we feel that “eco-responsibility” is not enough. Thus, we choose not to use poster and flyer anymore during the festival. In more, we wrote a charter that commits us into a deep transformation of our daily practices during the festival. A necessary collective experience, vital and joyful, that will give others the desire to do the same. That’s what we hope, that’s what we work for !

Ecological engagements