Les Papavéracées
Category: Voice of the absentees
La voix des absents – citation
“It would be important to specify this analysis of logic - the one of symbolic violence - that makes that the dominated arts of living are almost always perceived (by the one who live them) from the destructive and simplistic point of view of dominant aestheticism.”
Pierre Bourdieu

Duration 5h with intermissions, followed by a meal with the audience
With Karim Abdelaziz, Arthur Dumas, Agathe Fredonnet, Caroline Lerda et Charlotte Le Bras
Stage director Charlotte Le Bras
Assistant Caroline Lerda
Lighting desing Nathan Teulade
A theatrical triptych
When we perform the plays of the cycle together, in their historical order A woman + F…. Country ! + CHILDHOOD(S) [ so, this has to be a manifesto], they become a triptych. The plays enlighten one another and offer the audience a unique artistic experiment.
A research and creative cycle
The Voice of the Absentees is the name that we gave to our first work cycle (2017-2023) after we finished it. It is made of F…. Country !, A woman and CHILDHOOD(S) [ so, this has to be a manifesto]. The movement of the cycle is a research on powerful non theatrical writings (linked to sociology and social studies) that guided us towards our first collective stage writing. Our approach has to do with the rehabilitation of bodies and viewpoints that are often forgotten or unseen in the public area. To make those “absentees” exist on a stage, we had to invent singular theatrical tools. We had to invade the stage. It is also a public area.