Avignon off festival 2023

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[ so, this has to be a manifesto ]
ENFANCE(S) - teaser from Compagnie Les Papavéracées on Vimeo.
An empty stage. In the background, at the border between life and theatre, 2 men and 3 women are waiting. They are dressed like children. The music starts and memory surfaces. There, in between revisited versions of the Disney « little mermaid » and Nirvana, we can see the draft of a theatrical selfportrait. The one of a generation born in the middle of the 1980's. It's funny, it's tragic, it's living – it reaches the soul and the body !
July 7 - 28 (every day except wednesdays)
7:15 pm
Critic of the show in La Terrasse
Meeting coorganized with LaScierie - on July 16th, at the OFF Village, 14h-15h300
Three master classes proposed by Charlotte Le Bras (stage director) at LaScierie.
Facing climate emergency, we feel that “eco-responsibility” is not enough. Thus, we choose not to use poster and flyer anymore during the festival. In more, we wrote a charter that commits us into a deep transformation of our daily practices during the festival. A necessary collective experience, vital and joyful, that will give others the desire to do the same. That’s what we hope, that’s what we work for !